Duty to inform according to §5 E-Commerce Act

Brand and product names
Brand or product names used on these pages are regularly protected trademarks or brand names of their companies or are subject to patent protection.

Further legal information on the websites
The contents (texts, images, information) of these web pages are protected by copyright. Any duplication, distribution or public reproduction requires revocable consent.

Any liability for errors and mistakes in these web pages is excluded to the extent permitted by law. If you discover any errors or mistakes or if you believe that the designations used or other content violate laws or your own property rights, please inform us informally using the contact form so that the relevant corrections can be made as quickly as possible.

Duty to inform according to §5 E-Commerce Act
Company name myAcker GmbH
Business address Koschatstraße 42/2, 9800 Spittal / Drau
Phone +43 (0) 4762 44 2 444
Webaddress myAcker.com
UID-Number ATU 73018147
GLN-Number 9120093730002
Company register number FN 486413p
Commercial register court Landesgericht Klagenfurt
Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act) BH Spittal / Drau
Further supervisory authority (according to ECG) BH Spittal / Drau
Legal form Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Other information according to §14 UGB Keine

Bank details

Banking institution Raiffeisen Österreich AG
BIC (Bank Identifier Code) RZKTAT2K412
IBAN (International Account Number) AT59 3941 2000 0003 5972

Additional information on disclosure pursuant to Section 25 of the Austrian Media Act

Media owner myAcker GmbH
Registered office (location of the head office) 9800 Spittal / Drau
Chief Executive Officer Christoph Raunig, Bsc
Patrick Kleinfercher
Corporate purpose Betrieb einer Online-Plattform, Handel mit Waren aller Art und Erstellung von Software sowie Verkauf, Installation und Betreuung von IT-Systemen.
Pageline Betrieb einer Online-Plattform, Handel mit Waren aller Art, Erstellung von Software sowie Verkauf, Installation und Betreuung von IT-Systemen